Activate your Cunningham
Parts required:
Rope: 5 metres of 4mm diameter
Blocks: Two (2) Harken Micro blocks, sheave size
22mm, are recommended.
One(1) double and one (1) single
Use at least 5 metre of rope and tie around
the tang leaving a 1 to 1.5 metre tail which goes up and
through the sail cringle and ties off using a bowline
with a double block. Adjust the knots so the block is tight
against the cringle.

Tie a single block around
mast / tang.

The long tail is passed through one side of
the double block

down through the
single block

and back through the
remaining sheave in the
double block

and finishes through
the cunningham fairlead deck fitting.
The sail cringle is released at
the double block by undoing
the bowline on the short tail.
LaserPerformance have a leaflet available to print
