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Activate Your Laser

The RYA, UK Laser Association and LaserPerformance, supported by Sport England have teamed up to help you Activate Your Laser Fleet. The support offered has a number of elements:


  • Ongoing support from the RYA’s Regional Club Coaches following a Activate your Laser Fleet workshop to help ensure the success of your Activation plan.
  • Ongoing support to club members from LaserPerformance on equipment maintenance, repair advice and purchase advice
  • A document pack which includes advice on how to develop and deliver a sports development plan, how to access funding for your club and reclaim boats that may have been abandoned on your clubs premises.


Successful pilot programme

The Activate Your Laser Fleet project has been piloted by some clubs in the UK where it has been a considerable success. 


Skandia Team GBR’s Paul Goodison MBE, Activate your Laser Fleet Ambassador

 “Getting more people out on their Lasers and enjoying themselves is something I would always encourage and so I jumped at the chance to be an Ambassador for this project.  What’s great about this project is that it’s not just about bits of paper and workshops but real, ongoing practical support for clubs.” 

Skandia Team GBR’s Paul Goodison has kindly agreed to spend a day with the club which has developed the most innovating way of Activating it’s Laser fleet .


Great timing!

Activate Your Laser Fleet has been developed at a very exciting time for the Laser in England. Activate Your Laser Fleet Ambassador Paul Goodison MBE, holds the Olympic Gold Medal, British, European and World Championship titles. The Laser World Championships will be held in the UK in 2010.

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